INQAAHE Conference 2015 – Chicago (United States of America)
From 30 March to 3 April 2015 INQAAHE Biennial Conference CHANGING LANDSCAPE OF HIGHER EDUCATION: NEW DEMANDS ON QUALITY ASSURANCE was held in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
All presentations are available below.
Pre-Conference Workshops
- INQAAHE GGP – Introduction to the changes of the revised version of the GGP, Maria José Lemaitre
- Internationalization, Quality Assurance of Cross-Border HE and its Challenges, Hans de Wit
- How to make program reviews more effective and efficient: Cluster reviews, Harald Scheuthle
- New demands, new responses: Quality and the emerging new diversity of Higher Education, Judith S. Eaton, CHEA President
- Characterizing Institutional Diversity: Variation Between and Within Higher Education Institutions, Alexander C. McCormick, Indiana University Bloomington
- Comparing Business Student Performance between Public and Private Institutions of Higher Education, Olin Edekoven and Alimaa Jamiyansuren, Peregrine Academic Services
- Diversity and External Quality Assurance in the Jamaican Context, Yvonnette Marshall, University Council of Jamaica
- Diversity and its discontents: how UK quality assurance engages with multiple diversities, Anthony McClaran, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
- ACODE Benchmarks for Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL): Findings from a 24 university benchmarking exercise regarding the benchmarks’ fitness for purpose and capacity to generate useful quality assurance information, Fernando Padro, University of Southern Queensland
- Diversity in the Classroom – Generational Cohorts and Their Impact on the Quality of Higher Education Learning Processes in the 21st Century, Carlos Tasso Eira De Aquino, School of Advanced Studies – University of Phoenix
- Handling diversity in a uniform system of external quality assurance – Danish experiences, David Metz and Rikke Warming, The Danish Accreditation Institution
- Optimizing teaching and research in the environment of increased and diverse demand for graduate education: Perspectives from Universities of Makerere, Ghana and Cambridge, Euzobia M. Mugisha Baine, Makerere University
- The Changing Role of Quality Assurance Agencies in East Asia in Response to Low Fertility Rate: Taiwan Experience, Jong-Tsun Huang Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council of Taiwan
- Quality Assurance and the issues arising from the increased diversity of HEI: How can QA make sense of diversity?, Antony Stella, QA Expert
- Accommodating diversity: developing an institutional accreditation system for the higher education sector in Oman, Tess Goodliffe, Susan Trevor-Roper and Fakhriya Al Habsi, Oman Academic Accreditation Authority
- Demands on Quality Assurance: Complementary measures to enhance quality of higher education provisions, Eisa Ali Hasan Al Matroushi and Susanna Karakhanyan, Abu Dhabi Education Council
- Developing National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF)s: A Case Study of the NQF in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Jawaher Al Mudhahki, National Authority For Qualifications And Quality Assurance of Education and Training (QQA)
- Self-Assessment: A Catalyst for Change for the East African Higher Education Landscape, Tashmin Khamis, Aga Khan University
- Strengthened QA Mechanisms to Address Increased Complexities of Higher Education Landscape In Ethiopia: Strategic Partnership Between HERQA & Development Partners, Daniel Dejene Birhanu Zerihun G and Michael Jhpiego Ethiopia, Tesfaye Teshome, Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency
- The impact of the UK Quality Code for Higher Education on alternative providers of higher education, Harriet Barnes, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, Martin Lockett, Ashridge Business School
- The Newly Launched Self-Accreditation System in Taiwan and Its Impact on Internal Quality Assurance of Institutions, Karen Hui-Jung Chen, National Taipei University of Education, Angela Yung-Chi Hou, Fu-Jen University
- The Paradigm Shifts in HE and QA – From Teaching to Learning in relation to mission and policy of the HEI, Lucien Bollaert, NVAO
- Developing National Accreditation and Quality Improvement Standards for Health Professionals Education: Lever for Quality Assurance, Zerihun Wolde Gebremichael, Jhpiego
- Quality Assurance and Internationalization: Trends, challenges and opportunities, Hans de Wit, Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation at the Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore
- Quality Skills. The global currency in the knowledge society, David Atchoarena, UNESCO Director of Division for Policies and Lifelong Learning Systems
- A Study on International Collaborative Programs between Japan and Asian Countries: Importance of Developing a Checklist, Kim Sounghee, National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation
- Meeting the Demand for International Accreditation and Quality Assurance for Institutions of Higher Education, Chet Haskell, Independent Consultant
- Promoting Cross Border Higher Education Collaborations: A Linking-MED-GULF project perspective, Ashwin John Kalliath and Kiran Gopakumar Rajalekshmi, Middle East College
- Quality Assurance of Cross-border Higher Education (QACHE) – Perspectives from Asia Pacific Region, Jagannath Patil, NAAC and APQN
- International Quality Reviews with an EQAR-registered Agency, Melinda Szabo and Colin Tuck, EQAR
- The Opportunities and Challenges of Transnational Quality Assurance, Ralph Wolff, Ralph Wolff & Associates, Denise DeZolt, Laureate Education, and William Plater, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)
- The Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education in Europe and Asia: The Role of Recognition Bodies and Quality Assurance Agencies, Angela Yung Chi Hou, Fu Jen Catholic University/HEEACT, Martin Ince, Association of British Science Writers Karen Chen, National Taipei University of Education/HEEACT
- Assessing the Quality of Internationalization, Axel Aerden, NVAO
- Fostering global learning within higher education: What are we doing? Is it working? , Judith A. Smrha, Baker University
- Quality Assurance of Quality Assurers, Sofiane Sahraoui, President of the Arab Governance Institute, Bahrain
- Establishment of Evaluation and Quality Assurance of the University Performance program, King Abdulaziz University (EQAUP-KAU); rationale and impact, Alia M. A. Aldahlawi and Amal Mohammed Sindi, King Abdulaziz University
- Impact Evaluation of Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Methodology, Design and Results, Harald Scheuthle and Theodor Leiber, evalag
- Internal quality assurance and system-wide analysis – tools for learning and development, Magnus Johansson and Henrik Holmquist, Swedish Higher Education Authority
- Quality Management Theory and Assessing Student Learning Outcomes in Higher Education, Steven Parscale, Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
- The Impact of Quality Assurance Mechanisms on Curriculum Development at Ontario Universities, Qin Liu, University of Toronto
- The perceived impact of external evaluation: The organization versus the individual Riin Seema and Maiki Udam Archimedes SA EKKA