INQAAHE Forum 2020 – Moscow (Russia) online
Proudly hosted by the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Career Development (AKKORK) with the participation of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor), INQAAHE 12th Biennial Forum was held virtually, under the title Quality, Competences and Learning Outcomes: how to be fit for Generation Z employability.
Given the outbreak of COVID-19 raising global concerns, after closely monitoring the situation and considering the health and safety of our members and various travel restrictions, the INQAAHE Board took the decision to hold the Forum online in the following format:
- Pre-Forum Workshops
September 21 to September 24, 2020 - The Forum
September 28 to October 1, 2020 - General Assembly and Regional Networks Meeting
October 12, 2020
All materials are available below.
Pre-Forum Workshops
- Workshop 1
Design and QA of Micro-credentials, facilitated by Emeritus Professor Beverley Oliver, Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an Australian National Teaching Fellow - Workshop 2
Programmatic Accreditation in the STEM Disciplines and the Assessment of Student Learning & Outcomes, facilitated by Michael Milligan, PhD, Executive Director and CEO at ABET - Workshop 3
How learning gains and Quality Assurance are (mis)Aligned: an Interactive Workshop, facilitated by Dr. Bart Rienties, Professor of Learning Analytics at the Institute of Education Technology at the Open University UK. Co-presented by Dr. Jekaterina Rogaten, Course Leader and Teaching and Learning co-ordinator at the University of the Arts, London - Workshop 4
INQAAHE’s Guidelines of Good Practice (GGP) Alignment Workshop, facilitated by Pauline Tang, Immediate Past INQAAHE Vice-President
Forum Presentations
Keynote addresses
- Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Medical Education: It is Difficult, Expensive and Essential, presented by Professor David Gordon, President of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME)
- Connected Credentials and Competencies Linking Education and Careers, presented by Dr. Deborah Everhart, Chief Strategy Officer at Credential Engine
Forum sessions
- How Turkish Universities’ Undergraduate Programs Do Build Generation Z Competences?, presented by Dr. Buket Akkoyunlu, Higher Education Quality Council of Turkey (Turkey)
- Quality Assuring National Apprenticeship Programmes in Ireland, presented by Bryan Maguire and Alex Keys, Quality and Qualifications Ireland (Ireland)
Forum sessions
- Let a thousand flowers bloom, responses to a pandemic: innovation and quality assurance, by Karen Treloar, Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (Australia). Presented by Leah Matthews, Distance Education Accreditation Commission (United States); Fabrizio Trifiro, UK NARIC (United Kingdom); and Khairul Sahari, Malaysian Qualifications Agency (Malaysia)
Panel on transnational education
- Improving the recognition climate for TNE qualifications: the TNE Quality Benchmark, presented by Fabrizio Trifiro, UK NARIC (United Kingdom)
Forum sessions
- Hybrid Learning Environments and New Forms of Learning for Generation Z Students
- Advancing Generation Z Employability through New Forms of Learning: Role of Higher Education Institutions for Quality Assurance and Recognition of Alternative Credentials, presented by Prof. S.C. Sharma, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (India)
- Promote a hybrid learning environment for Generation Z students, presented by Prof. Dr. Amiya Kumar Rath, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (India)
- Embedding Essential Workplace Skills in Program Curriculum: A New Accreditation Approach, presented by Michale S. Mc Comis, Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (United States)
Host session
Quality assurance in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: topics of concern and ways of development, presented by
- Lemka Izmailova, director of NAA (Russia),
- Diana Mashtakeeva, director of Professional Qualifications Council on Financial Markets (Russia),
- Sholpan Kalanova, president IQAA (Kazakhstan),
- Erika Soboleva, director AKKORK (Russia), and
- Ruben Topchyan, director ANQA (Armenia)
Forum sessions
- Certifying Gen Z for the Future: Unboxing Micro-credentials, presented by Mark Brown, National Institute for Digital Learning (Ireland)
- Quality Assurance versus Quality Recognition: Closing the Gap with new forms of Quality Measurement, presented by Eric Talavera Campbell, Education Quality Accreditation Agency (Peru)
- The experience of the project Making Connections, presented by Marta Fonolleda, director Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education of Andorra (Andorra)
- Challenges & Actions of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for HE Quality Assurance in the Asia-Pacific Region at COVID-19 Pandemic, presented by Jianxin Zhang, president Asia-Pacific Quality Network