EUA’s Webinar: “Quality assurance fit for the future”

The European University Association (EUA) together with the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE), will host the webinar “Quality assurance fit for the future. Needs and expectations of higher education institutions” on Thursday 7 September from 11.00 to 12.00 CEST.

The webinar will expand on the results of the first phase of the “Quality Assurance Fit for the Future” (QA-FIT) project, already published in a joint paper, and discuss the potential implications of these preliminary findings. The webinar will focus on the perception of quality assurance by higher education institutions and explore whether the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) are fit for purpose. It will also draw some comparisons with the viewpoints of other stakeholders such as QA agencies, Higher Education ministries and students in the European Higher Education Area.

The discussion will be hosted by:

  • Lewis Purser, Director of Learning, Teaching and Academic Affairs, Irish Universities Association
  • Cecilia Biaggi, Policy and Project Officer, EUA
  • Jakub Grodecki, Policy and Project Manager, EURASHE

Registration for the event is free of charge and open to everyone until 6 September.

You can register now for the webinar here.

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