9th ICACIT Symposium

ICACIT, the accrediting agency specialized in Computing, Engineering, Technology in Engineering, Science and Architecture programs, has extended the Call for Papers for the 9th ICACIT Symposium, which will take place from November 2 to 13, 2023, in Lima, Peru.

The 9th International Symposium on Accreditation of Engineering and Computing Education – ICACIT is the most important educational quality and accreditation event in Latin America. A space to share knowledge and experiences in accreditation, education and continuous quality improvement among professionals from academia, industry and government.

The event will be held in blended modality.

Papers in all areas on accreditation and education in engineering and computing are invited with a particular emphasis on:

1. Quality Assurance and Accreditation.
2. Teaching and Learning in Engineering and ComputingEducation.
3. Students and Professors’ relationship with industry,government, society and academia
4. Students, professors and associated services.
5. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

The extended deadline for papers submission is 15 August, 2023. The papers must be presented English, PDF format, and have between 04 to 06 pages following the IEEE format for conferences, available at: IEEE – Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings. All submitted papers are evaluated in a blind peer review process and must be submitted using the EasyChair System by accessing the following URL: Log in to EasyChair for 2022 ICACIT Symposium


More information is available here.

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