We are delighted to inform you that, as of January 2, 2023, Mr. Fabrice Hénard has joined INQAAHE as Chief Executive Officer. Find below his introductory message to the membership and community at large.

Welcome on board Fabrice!

Dear colleagues,

It is a great honor for me to join INQAAHE as CEO from January 2023.

I first encountered the Network and its agencies more than 20 years ago, when I was working for the French agency for the evaluation of higher education. There I met passionate people who were deeply committed to the development of quality in higher education. My career path then led me to the OECD, in functions related to higher education worldwide. For the past 10 years I have been running an evaluation and strategy consultancy firm for the education and higher education sector. These assignments have allowed me to work with multiple governments and higher education institutions on all continents. I had the privilege to be a member of the Accreditation Board of Albania between 2017 and 2021 and to serve as the secretariat of the Accreditation committee of Luxembourg since 2013.

Today, I am fully committed to supporting INQAAHE and its members in their development of the Network for the benefit of its members, quality assurance and ultimately higher education.

Let me share with you some of the challenges and opportunities for INQAAHE that come to mind at this time and to which I would like to contribute.

  • The sustainable development of our Network. The INQAAHE is completing its 2018-2022 strategic plan and intends to continue to develop in a strategic and structured manner over the long term. The aim is to continue this development on the basis of the lessons learned and to collectively consider the main directions for the future of our network. The need for quality assurance is growing worldwide, which will require new means of action for INQAAHE. One of the challenges will be to diversify the Network’s sources of funding, and to strengthen its capacity to intervene over time.
  • Inclusion of all in our Network. Our community is made up mainly of quality assurance agencies of varying sizes, experience and missions. I would like to ensure that all of them can benefit from our network and contribute to its development. The membership includes other types of organisations that bring significant insight and contribution to the Network. This diversity of membership is a richness, which INQAAHE will be able to optimize for the benefit of the international quality assurance community.
  • The positioning of our Network. The activities of INQAAHE have continued to develop since its inception, strengthening the capacity of agencies, sharing quality assurance practices, establishing International Standards and Guidelines, etc. However, INQAAHE does not operate alone in its field. There are other regional quality assurance networks and a multitude of networks for higher education institutions involved in quality assurance. Stakeholders (foundations, associations, etc.) are also influential in quality assurance. The aim of INQAAHE is to strengthen its relationship with these organisations, and to identify the best synergies for the benefit of its members and the higher education community at large.
  • The professionalism of our Network. INQAAHE is a large network, whose dynamics are based on the commitment of the Board of Directors and the contribution of its members. At the level of both the secretariat and the management, it will be a question of continuing to improve the quality of the services offered to members and to carry the voice of quality assurance in a professional manner within the various circles (networks, donors, national and international authorities, media, etc.). The legitimacy of our Network and its recognition will be strengthened.
  • Innovation in our Network. Quality assurance is developing worldwide and yet its impact is regularly questioned. New issues are challenging accreditation and evaluation methods and quality standards (e.g. distance learning or the influence of technology and big data in quality assurance). It is up to us to consider carefully the challenges facing higher education and agencies today (and tomorrow), and to identify appropriate ways of intervening. For example, on the role that quality assurance could play in the employability of young people, or with regard to the gender dimension in higher education. INQAAHE should remain at the forefront of developments and changes in higher education and remain the watchdog for quality assurance internationally.

These are just a few of the challenges briefly described here. The opportunities for development are also immense for INQAAHE. I am honored by the trust placed in me to continue the successful trajectory of INQAAHE in the coming years.

I look forward to meeting you in person or from a distance, and wish you a happy holiday season and an excellent year 2023. See you soon in 2023!




Fabrice can be contacted at ceo(at)inqaahe.org.

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