QA Graduate Program

The massive increase in external and internal quality assurance (QA) activity over recent decades, together with the associated thinking about it, have created a new profession that requires a structured academic discipline and programs to educate quality assurance professionals, stimulate research, and produce new initiatives.

However, there is very little education and training for the QA profession and its professionals. INQAAHE has now begun to fill this gap through the creation of a comprehensive program for the training and professional development of QA professionals. INQAAHE, through the considerable expertise of its members, has created materials that are available free on this website. The materials are intended as public advice and assistance in capacity-building in quality assurance and were developed by experts from around the world.

INQAAHE developed these materials with a grant from the World Bank and with support from UNESCO, which were provided to underscore the importance of developing new quality assurance systems through international cooperation among new and established quality assurance agencies.

Higher Education in a global world: The context of Quality Assurance: The context of Quality Assurance.

External Quality Assurance: What is quality and how has it been implemented in different countries.

Operating an External Quality Agency: Practical training in the structure and management of quality assurance agencies around the world.

Maintaining Quality within the institution: Assessing learning, conducting a self-study, and using data.

The text of the program is available on the INQAAHE website and any organisations and institutions are invited to use any or all of it.

DISCLAIMER: Before you can access the course materials you first have to state that you have read, understood, and agreed to the following note of understanding:

“The materials posted on the INQAAHE website for quality assurance professionals are intended as public advice and assistance in capacity-building in quality assurance. Any person or organisation that uses them should acknowledge INQAAHE as their source. No program, degree, workshop or other training can be offered as certified or otherwise approved by INQAAHE unless INQAAHE has individually reviewed and approved it.

INQAAHE has not obtained copyright permission for use of materials not already in the public domain, and such permission should be obtained if required by the manner in which you intend to use the materials.”

One well-known university with faculty expertise in the area of quality assurance in higher education will be offering graduate-level programs online for those who wish to deepen their knowledge of quality assurance theories, policies, and practices while earning university graduate credit. Taught by distinguished faculty, these courses provide greater in-depth exploration, discussion, and analysis of quality assurance topics. The university program incorporates the INQAAHE-developed materials in its course curricula. INQAAHE has reviewed and certified that the university program meet its standards of excellence for Quality Assurance Professionals.

Throughout its two decades of existence, INQAAHE has contributed to the development of the QA profession and of QA professionals. Among other activities, it has supported individuals in their professional development through the creation of the graduate certificate course in QA, and through the placement of individuals as interns for short periods with more experienced QA agencies.

Although INQAAHE is not essentially an educational organisation, we take a continuing interest (and pride) in these students and interns, and wish to know about, and to continue to support, their future careers (whether in QA, as of course we hope, or in some other field). In that sense, INQAAHE sees these students and interns as INQAAHE Alumni.

INQAAHE Alumni receive INQAAHE’s quarterly newsletter, and are eligible to attend the biennial INQAAHE fora, even if not working for an INQAAHE member organisation. There is an opportunity for alumni present to gather and share experiences at these INQAAHE events.

Input and comments from alumni are always welcome. Comments directed to the Secretariat are referred to an INQAAHE Director who will respond.

The text of the program is available on the INQAAHE website and any organisations and institutions are invited to use any or all of it.

Before you can access the course materials you first have to state that you have read, understood, and agreed to the following note of understanding:

“The materials posted on the INQAAHE website for quality assurance professionals are intended as public advice and assistance in capacity-building in quality assurance. Any person or organisation that uses them should acknowledge INQAAHE as their source. No program, degree, workshop or other training can be offered as certified or otherwise approved by INQAAHE unless INQAAHE has individually reviewed and approved it.”

“INQAAHE has not obtained copyright permission for use of materials not already in the public domain, and such permission should be obtained if required by the manner in which you intend to use the materials.”

I have read, understood and agreed with the note of understanding as described above* *

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