IIEP-UNESCO’s Webinar “Short courses, micro-credentials, and flexible learning pathways: A blueprint for policy development and action”

Find below information on IIEP-UNESCO’S online webinar “Short courses, micro-credentials, and flexible learning pathways: A blueprint for policy development and actionINQAAHE hopes you find this information useful.

Short courses, micro-credentials, and flexible learning pahtways: A blue print for policy development and action

26 January, 2023
2pm-3pm (CET time)
via Zoom

Register for the webinar here

IGlobal trends suggest that micro-credentials, short courses, and flexible learning pathways will become a dominant feature of education and training. IIEP-UNESCO is launching a blueprint paper that explores ways to organize micro-credentials as a means for offering up-to-date, quality learning to much larger segments of the population, thus creating flexible learning pathways, fostering learner autonomy, and formally acknowledging competencies. The paper presents seven recommendations targeted at public policy-makers to take coordinated action.

This upcoming webinar will formally launch the blueprint paper, bringing together international experts, mainly from UNESCO involved in work on micro-credentials. Speakers will discuss the pertinence of the paper and how its recommendations resonate with their work and existing developments in different world regions.

Moderator: Borhene Chakroun, Director for Policies and Lifelong Learning Systems, UNESCO

Confirmed speakers:

  • Michaela Martin, Assistant Director a.i. IIEP-UNESCO, co-author
  • Peter van der Hijden, Higher Education Strategy Consultant, co-author
  • Wesley Teter, Senior Consultant for Bangkok, Thailand
  • Victoria Galan, Chief of Research and Analysis at the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean

Further information is available on the IIEP-UNESCO’s website.

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