Fora on Quality and Sustainability in Higher Education (Andorra & Aragón)

Last 13th and 14th December took place in Zaragoza (Spain) the II Forum Andorra-Aragón about quality and sustainability in Higher Education, co-organized by the Andorran Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (AQUA) in collaboration with the Aragon Agency for Quality Assurance and Strategic Foresight in Higher Education (ACPUA). This forum followed the I Forum, which took place in Andorra on the 2nd and 3rd October. Authorities of both governments from Andorra and Aragon attended the forums, together with the main internal and external stakeholders and experts on sustainability and higher education.

One of the main conclusions of the first Forum was the necessity to establish strategic plans for integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) inside the higher education through reaching alliances between stakeholders. From here, during an inter-forum meeting, the participants decided to prompt initiatives for working on together in this direction. These initiatives were focused on training and empowering the stakeholders, mapping the current actions which contribute to integrate the SDGs in higher education, and creating a special working group about quality and SDGs.

The project will continue until May 2019. Meanwhile, the board of experts is working to draw up a proposal of indicators for the Institutional accreditation, which embed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

These fora are part of the project Making Connections between the Institutional Evaluation and the Sustainable Development Goals. Empowering stakeholders for quality enhancement, which was one of the capacity building projects 2017-18 that INQAAHE grants. This project is part of Andorra’s commitment to the 2030 Agenda.

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