International Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education (ISGs) available

towards diversification, relevance, transformation, and recognition


Reflecting INQAAHE’s values of inclusion, diversity, and collaboration as well as our mission of advancing QA practice, the INQAAHE International Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education (ISGs) are the result of a broad participatory process including the rich expertise of tertiary education providers and their external quality assurance bodies globally.

Built on the extensive application and lessons learnt from decades-long experience with external review procedures based on the INQAAHE Guidelines of Good Practices, the ISGs are a suite of standards and guidelines for external quality assurance bodies that embrace the ever-increasing diversity in tertiary education and empower the enhancement capacity of QA providers in their quest for diversification, efficiency, relevance, and transformative power.

The final document is already available here.

To mark the launch of the INQAAHE ISGs, a series of activities are yet to come. The events unfold as follows:

  • A Global Webinar on the 30th of November 2022: A webinar with the developers of the ISGs will be organized to introduce the new standards and guidelines and the benefits of the revised approach.
  • A Global Webinar with lead Tertiary Education lead experts on the 24th of January 2023: INQAAHE is organizing a series of webinars and other awareness raising and capacity building events to equip the global tertiary education community with the essentials for success in their application in the benefit of tertiary education systems at large.
  • ISGs at CHEA/CIQG: A panel discussion aimed to present the ISGs at the CHEA/CIQG Conference on 24-26th of January 2023.
  • Trainings on the ISGs: Based on group or individual requests from QA providers throughout November 2022 and 2023.

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