Call for nominations to the INQAAHE Board of Directors 2021

The International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) announces the call for nominations to the Board of Directors to fill in seven positions open.

The INQAAHE Constitution requires that the organization implement a staggered approach to the terms of the INQAAHE Board of Directors. As a follow-up on this clause, INQAAHE calls for the next round of nominations from its members. Thus, the INQAAHE Board Election Committee is seeking nominations from members to stand for election to the Board of Directors for 2021 for a three-year term. The INQAAHE members – GGP recognized, full and associate – in good standing are eligible to run the election to represent that member and the region the member comes from. INQAAHE’s regional distribution is as follows: Africa, Arab States, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Caribbean, Norther America and Western Europe.

The current composition of the INQAAHE Board of Directors can be viewed on the INQAAHE website.

The Nominating Committee sets the following principles for the nominations:

  • Expertise and professionalism in the field;
  • Commitment to voluntary, yet noble mission as a working Board member;
  • Geographical coverage;
  • Diversity.

The elections will proceed according to the procedures in the INQAAHE Constitution.

Submit your nomination to the INQAAHE Secretariat not later than August 25, 2021The election of the new Board Directors will be done online through the usual voting platform and will be open from September 1-15, 2021. The publication of results and the constitution of the new Board will be announced shortly after. Please use the attached form to submit your nomination.

Please, make sure you check the official call for nominations to know all the details.

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