Schedule of INQAAHE General Assembly Meetings for 2021

INQAAHE Members, find below the schedule of General Assembly meetings for 2021, along with the specific expected outcomes for each.

2021 is a very special and crucial year for INQAAHE since we are moving to our permanent International Headquarters in Barcelona in June and the Board has prepared a clear roadmap for the transition to ensure a seamless one.

Thus, in 2021, as per the Board’s decision the following has been planned:

  • GA 1 for Annual Reporting: on the 26th of April (Mon) at 12:00PM CEST (UTC+2), you are invited to the GA where we will present the Annual Report 2020 as well as the Financial Statements 2020 for your approval. During the GA you will have an opportunity to ask any questions that you might have regarding the performance and finances of 2020. Twenty-one days before the GA you will receive all the respective documents for your familiarization and scrutiny. After the GA we will send to you links for electronic voting. Please, reserve the date and time once you receive the link.
  • GA 2 for Board Transition: on the 6th Of October, the second GA for 2021 will be held, where we will have the official opening for the INQAAHE International Headquarters as well as an official handover to the new Board and President. August-September 2021 we will hold the next round of Board member election. Shortly we will be sharing more information on this.

To attend the GA 1 meeting, please, register here by the end of March 2021. Once the registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation e-mail as well as the ZOOM link to the meeting.

Please, do not hesitate to turn to the INQAAHE Secretariat with any questions you might have.

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