INQAAHE’s new image and logo

To celebrate the evolution of INQAAHE throughout the last 30 years, the INQAAHE Board is proud to announce the launch of the INQAAHE new branding as part of the ongoing efforts to acknowledge the achievements so far and aim for more.

INQAAHE’s professional profile has grown and evolved over the last 30 years and we are proud to present the members with a revised logo and colors to reflect who we are today.

Honored as we are of our rich history and achievements, we retain the logo’s core elements – the globe and the links among diversity of regions. The simplicity and elegance of the new logo crystalizes the acronym “INQAAHE”, the global outreach of the organizational mission and the catalyst role INQAAHE plays globally.
Each of the three colors symbolize a significant element of our mission: blue for education, purple for quality and silver for the dynamic future guided by high tech revolution. Symbolically, the “Q” represents the globe and its design denotes the noble mission of bridging diversity of quality cultures and the ongoing dynamism.

As a follow up, throughout the upcoming months we will be updating all our branding materials. We will also be announcing the new logo guidance for the usage of our members shortly.

We hope the new logo and branding serve their purpose and the members proudly use them as per the guidelines we will provide shortly.

In closing, we would like to take this opportunity and thank the designer – Cristina Matallana – for the great job done meeting our expectations.

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