2020 edition of the UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education

The Director of UNESCO’s Bureau of Strategic Planning invites all non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in official partnership with UNESCO, to submit nominations for the 2020 edition of the UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education. For more information, read the full official call.

Funded by the Government of the People’s Republic of China, the Prize consists of two annual awards of 50,000 USD to help further their work.

UNESCO recommends that this call for nominations be made widely known among relevant stakeholders involved in girls’ and women’s education, and encourages NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO both to set up a national selection process and to announce the selected candidates.

  • The nomination process takes place via an online platform. You can request access here. A User Guide is available here.
  • The online nominations should be submitted by NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO via the online platform in English or French by 26 May 2020 (midnight, Paris time).

For further information on the Prize and the nomination process, please visit: http://on.unesco.org/gweprize. Enquiries regarding the nomination process should be addressed to the Prize Secretariat, phone: +33 (0)1 45 68 10 08, e-mail: GWEPrize@unesco.org.

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