The INQAAHE website is continuously changing as information is updated and services are added and amended. At all times, INQAAHE strives to ensure that the information provided is accurate, current and properly authorised to be in the public domain; however, much of the information provided is posted by individuals or organisations and not necessarily by INQAAHE itself.

General Terms for Use of the INQAAHE Website

Your access to and use of this site, either on your own behalf or on behalf of the organisation you represent, is subject to these terms and conditions. INQAAHE reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time by posting the changes to this site. You are responsible for regularly reviewing these terms and conditions to obtain notice of such changes. Your continued use of this site after any such change constitutes your acceptance of those changes.

Payment Online System

While the INQAAHE Secretariat is hosted by the The Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency – AQU Catalunya (C. dels Vergós, 36-42, 08017 Barcelona), website will be managed by AQU Catalunya on behalf of INQAAHE and the Service including the Payment Online System by CatalunyaCaixa according to the card schemes rules. INQAAHE registered office based in Wellington, New Zealand.

Discussion Boards and Lists

INQAAHE may, from time to time, host open Discussion Boards on this website. People wishing to post messages to the various Discussion Boards will be required to register their name and email with INQAAHE. Messages may be subject to approval by INQAAHE prior to being posted on the website. INQAAHE disclaims all liability, express or implied, arising in connection with messages posted to Discussion Boards hosted in this website; however, INQAAHE reserves the right to remove any messages that may be perceived as libellous, offensive or inappropriate, and reserves also the right to cancel the registration of any person to an INQAAHE discussion list at its complete discretion.


In order to provide the best possible service to its various stakeholders, INQAAHE may, from time to time, post photographs of INQAAHE-related events on this website. These photographs may identify individuals. You should contact INQAAHE if you object to any photograph containing your image being posted, and these wishes will be respected. If such a photograph has already been posted, INQAAHE will remove it at the earliest possible opportunity.

Copyright and Trade Marks

Intellectual property rights (including copyright) that subsist in this site and its contents are owned by or licensed to INQAAHE and are subject to applicable legislation. Contents of this site may be used for purposes related to quality assurance in higher education, with attribution, but may not be used for commercial gain. The INQAAHE logo and any other image, name or trade mark, whether registered or not and used in this site to identify INQAAHE and its services are the property of INQAAHE and may only be used with the prior written consent of INQAAHE. All images in this website are subject to copyright laws.

Privacy Policy

All information submitted to INQAAHE either through mailing list subscription, workshop or conference registration or by other means is held confidentially.

INQAAHE collects and distributes information relating to purposes set out in its Constitution. Such information does not refer to individuals without their permission. Information is only used for purposes collected unless express agreement is obtained for other uses.

General Disclaimer

INQAAHE does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this website. All parties accessing this site and making use of the information it contains must make their own assessment of the information contained on this site and must satisfy themselves as to the accuracy and completeness of that information. INQAAHE disclaims all liability, express or implied, arising out of the use of or inability to use or in connection with the information contained in this website.


Links to third party websites from the INQAAHE site are provided solely as a convenience to you. INQAAHE is not responsible for any of these sites or their privacy practices or content. Inclusion or omission by INQAAHE of links to third party sites does not in any way constitute an endorsement or representation by INQAAHE about them or the products, services and information found there. INQAAHE disclaims all liability, express or implied, arising out of the use of or in connection with the information contained in sites linked to or from the INQAAHE website.


INQAAHE is committed to this site being of value to the global higher education sector. If users of this website have any concerns, suggestions or comments whatsoever regarding this website they should contact the INQAAHE administrator at

(INQAAHE acknowledges the assistance of APQN in drafting this policy.)

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