INQAAHE Forum 2020 website available

INQAAHE is proud to announce that the official INQAAHE Forum 2020 website is now available.
There you will find all the necessary information related to the event: speakers, updated programme, registration and much more.

Online registration is also open. If you have any question related to the registration process, you can contact both the Forum host ( or and/or INQAAHE Secretariat (

AKKORK is hosting INQAAHE Forum 2020 from 23rd to 25th March 2020 in Moscow, Russia, under the theme Quality, Competencies, and Learning Outcomes: How to be Fit for Generation Z Employability.
This year, INQAAHE also invites proposals to facilitate sessions. You will find all the information related to this in the official website and the official call.

We look forward to receiving your proposals and welcoming you in Moscow in a few months!

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