Participation in IIGE International Forum 2023

On January 20, 2023, Dr. Susanna Karakhanyan, INQAAHE Immediate Past President, participated in the IIGE International Forum 2023 co-presenting a keynote entitled UNESCO-INQAAHE Project: Micro-credentials in the Asia-Pacific Region along with Dr. Wesley Teter, Senior Consultant at UNESCO Bangkok. The session focussed on the recent project developed by INQAAHE under the auspices of UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education (UNESCO Bangkok) and the Section for Educational Innovation and Skills Development (EISD), with the support from the Japanese Funds-In-Trust (JFIT), launched in November 2022, and its findings.

The keynote was facilitated by Shingo Ashizawa, Vice-President of Kansai University. Closing remarks were provided by Yutaka Maeda, President of Kansai University.

Further information can be found in the official IIGE website.

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