INQAAHE General Assembly 2020

Dear INQAAHE Members,

Amid COVID 19, the INQAAHE annual Forum 2020 has been postponed until end of September and we do hope that we will soon be back to normal and be able to welcome you to our meetings in person.

As you know, a major part of the INQAAHE annual event is the General Assembly meeting, during which we report on the annual achievements, the activities and the financial statements. To avoid delaying the annual reporting, the INQAAHE Board is announcing the commencement of an online General Assembly meeting for 2020 to take decisions on the matters that are crucial for the organizational health and continuity.

The agenda for our online General Assembly includes approval of the 2019 annual and financial reports, so these can be finalized and externally reported. Members are invited to review the INQAAHE Board reports and prepare to vote, starting on May 18, 2020.

To encourage your feedback, we welcome questions on the agenda items through May 7, 2020. We will answer your questions and make any adjustments as needed prior to the opening of the online voting period. We will also post a summary of the questions and responses prior to the vote.

If you have any questions about the format of the meeting, or the content of the documents, please contact Now is a good time to ensure your organization’s contact information is up to date, in order to receive the voting platform communications.

Thank you all for your understanding in the format change this year. We hope that we will soon be able to see each other in-person and resume our deliberative discussions.

Documentation to review:

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