INQAAHE Forum 2020 workshop facilitators

As you know, the official INQAAHE Forum 2020 website is up and available: A tentative version of the programme is also at hand.

Just like each year, the day prior to the event, there are four different pre-Forum workshops scheduled:

Workshop 1
Blockchain and Its Influence on Learning and Certification

Facilitated by Ger DriesenLearning Innovation Leader at aNewSpring 



Workshop 2
Programmatic Accreditation in the STEM Disciplines and the Assessment of Student Learning & Outcomes

Facilitated by Michael Milligan, PhDExecutive Director and CEO at ABET




Workshop 3
How learning gains and Quality Assurance are (mis)Aligned: An Interactive Workshop

Facilitated by Dr. Bart RientiesProfessor of Learning Analytics at the Institute of Education Technology at the Open University UK

Workshop 4
INQAAHE’s Guidelines of Good Practice (GGP) Alignment Workshop

Facilitated by Pauline Tangformer CEO of THE-ICE




AKKORK is hosting the INQAAHE Forum 2020 from 23rd to 25th March 2020 in Moscow, Russia, under the theme Quality, Competencies, and Learning Outcomes: How to be Fit for Generation Z Employability.

Online registration is open through the official website. If you have any question related to the registration process, you can contact both the Forum host ( or and/or INQAAHE Secretariat (

We look forward to welcoming you in Moscow next year!

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