ASIIN-FIGURE-EASPA Global Conference 2021 in Paris

Find below ASIIN’s conference announcement. INQAAHE hopes you find this information useful.


ASIIN-FIGURE-EASPA Global Conference 2021 in Paris


The countdown for the ASIIN-FIGURE-EASPA Global Conference Digitalisation – Innovation – Competitiveness in the Post-Covid Era: European and Global Higher Education re-inventing itself in the beautiful city of Paris (campus of the Sorbonne University) on November 4-5th 2021 is running!

Do not miss out on the opportunity to meet after a long time of isolation in person with colleagues from the global higher education and quality assurance community and make sure that you profit form an early bird discout if you register until the beginning of next week! A full refund of registration fees is guaranteed in case of covid-related restrictions, but as things stand now you can safely travel in case you are vaccinated or have recovered from the virus.

The updated version of the programme which features a considerable number of prominent speakers and organizations from the field of politics, the HE community and QA bodies as well as a range of topics which are currently on top of the HE agendas in all parts of the world.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you in the French capital. Please also forward this invitation to interested parties in your respective networks.

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