III Central Asian International Forum hosted by IAAR

The Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) will host the III Central Asian International Forum on Quality Assurance in Education that will be held on October 4-5, 2019 in the city of Turkestan (Republic of Kazakhstan).

The purpose of the Forum is to create an international dialogue platform for discussions and exchange of best practices in the development of a system of quality assurance, accreditation and rating, broader cooperation with international networks and agencies encouraging the development of a quality culture and growth of a professional peer community for external review.

The Forum agenda covers Panel Sessions and a Round Table highlighting:

Panel Sessions:

  1. International experience on QA in Education
  2. Quality improvement in education: trends and development priorities
  3. Science and modern trends in the era of digital transformation
  4. Academic mobility and internationalization of education
  5. Student-centered learning under the competence approach framework

Round Table: Strategic management of HEIs in the context of the extended academic freedom and independence

Papers are welcome. Forum papers shall comply with the publication requirements (Appendix 1) and must be submitted by September 01, 2019 to Forum2019@iaar.kz.

Participation in the Forum is free. Travel and accommodation costs shall be borne by the Forum participant or the sending organization.
Registration deadline: September 01, 2019 (Appendix 2).

You may find more information on the event on IAAR’s website and in the following documents:

Information circular
Papers submission guidelines (Appendix 1)
Forum application form (Appendix 2)


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