5th Global Conference on QA in Higher Education in Berlin

This is an invitation to INQAAHE members to attend the 5th Global Conference on QA in Higher Education in Berlin on December 10-11. Please find below the letter of invitation:

Dear Member Organizations of INQAAHE, Dear Colleagues, many greetings from Düsseldorf, Germany.

On the 10-11th of December 2018, the 5th ASIIN Global Conference on “The dawning of a new era of HE quality assurance – what can we expect from the future?” in cooperation with EASPA and the support of INQAAHE, will take place in the Crown Plaza Hotel in Berlin, Germany. Click here for agenda and registration information (please take note that the early bird options and hotel contingents will run out by the 15th of October). We have again managed to convince many prominent speakers, including the presidents of INQAAHE, ENQA and the EQAR to discuss their new ideas and the latest development in the field with an international audience from around the globe. On the first conference day we will jointly tackle the following issues and questions, organized in five sessions:

· How can universities make best use of institutional and program accreditation models?


· Mutual recognition of Higher Education – what new instruments are currently developed and implemented?


· How to measure the impact of internal and external accreditation? Accreditation and Student Achievement – how to deal best with the challenge of measuring achieved learning outcomes in HE?


· What promising alternative models of QA in Higher Education are currently operating?


· Learning from the world – what is new in the INQAAHE community as well as Higher Education QA in Asia, Africa, and the Arab World?


Listen to the president of INQAAHE and learn, what is new in the world of QA. Hear the president of the EQAR and find out why the creation of an international database of accredited programs and institutions in the future might finally bridge the gap between the accreditation and recognition spheres. Be among the first to learn how the UNESCO convention on the recognition of global learning will affect mobility and recognition schemes; hear first-hand from a leading policy officer of the European Higher Education unit, what will be on top of the education agenda in the next years. Get insights from a top gun from the United States in the learning outcome debate on how to make sense of the controversial topic of measuring achieved HE learning outcomes. We also have invited leaders from various world regions to present what is state of the art around the globe. Each of these topics will be discussed by stakeholders from the field of Higher Education, QA as well as the political realm to cover the entire spectrum of positions and to find out what quality management and accreditation will imply for you.

On the evening of day one, we will jointly enjoy the lovely atmosphere of the Berlin Christmas markets, before focusing our attention on day 2 to current issues in various disciplines in various workshops (e.g. pressing mobility issues in the area of medicine, the Engineers Europe initiative and the Leonardian oath, the development of global standards in the field of chemistry or informatics etc).


Hopefully, we will have a very good representation of INQAAHE members at the conference to talk about our joint topics, we are looking forward to hosting you all in the exciting capital of Germany.

With my very best wishes from Düsseldorf,



Dr. Iring Wasser

Managing Director ASIIN

Mörsenbroicher Weg 200

D-40470 Düsseldorf

Phone +49 211 900977-10

Fax: +49 211 900977-11

Email: gf@asiin.de




Conference: “The dawning of a new era of HE quality assurance – what can we expect from the future?”

ASIIN 5th Global Conference in cooperation with EASPA in Berlin, 10-11 December 2018
Click here for agenda and registration information.

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