INQAAHE 18th Biennial Conference 2025
The Big Bang Theory:
the Quality Assurance Paradigm Shift
13-16 May 2025
Tokyo (Japan)
Hosted by the Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA)
Just like each year, INQAAHE allocates funds for members to attend the Network’s annual event. INQAAHE members who wish to be considered for financial support to attend the Biennial Conference 2025 are kindly requested to review the eligibility criteria below and submit the application form.
Applications should be submitted by March 16, 2025, to INQAAHE Secretariat.
Eligibility criteria
- Total funding is limited to 10,000 USD.
- Funding is restricted to applicants from least developed/low-income countries and middle-income countries (as categorised by the World Bank and the United Nations);
- To ensure equitable distribution of funds among a broad pool of members, and considering the different country categories, individual grants for applicants from middle-income countries are capped at 1,000 USD per recipient.
- Priority will be given to Full Members from least developed/low-income countries.
- Funding for applicants from least developed/low-income countries should cover Conference registration fees, travel arrangements (flights) and accommodation, with evidence of expenses required pre-Conference to ensure accountability and proper allocation of funds.
- Funding for applicants from middle-income countries should cover Conference registration fees and accommodation only, with evidence of expenses required pre-Conference to ensure accountability and proper allocation of funds.
- Consideration of regional coverage in funding distribution will be taken into account to ensure equitable access to funding.
- Applicants cannot be funded two years in a row but are welcome to apply in subsequent years. Priority is given to applicants that have not recently received funding assistance.
- Funding decisions made by the INQAAHE Board are final and not subject to appeal.
- Funding will be distributed to the shortlisted applicants prior to the Conference. Reimbursement will be required for no-shows.
If you have any question about the event, please do not hesitate to contact INQAAHE and/or the Conference host, JUAA.