INQAAHE Conference 2009 – Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates)
From 30 March to 2 April 2009 INQAAHE Biennial Conference NEW APPROACHES TO QUALITY ASSURANCE IN THE CHANGING WORLD OF HIGHER EDUCATION was held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
All presentations are available below.
Sub-Theme #1 Quality Assurance for enhancement
- Good Governance guidelines and Quality Assurance: two drivers on one wheel?, Fabrice Hénard, OECD
- An Exploration of Key Performance Indicators for Academic Quality, Dr Jan Cameron, University of Canterbury
- Assessment matters: the quality assurance of student assessment in higher education, Obe de Vries (Inspectorate of Education, Netherlands) Fiona Crozier & Nick Harris (Quality Assurance Agency of Higher Education)
- Quality Assurance as an Empowerment Tool for Women: A Case from Saudi Arabia, Dr. Eqbal Z. Darandari, College of Education/ King Saud University
- Quality Assurance for Enhancement of Higher Education in Ethiopia: challenges faced and lessons learned, Dr. Tesfaye Teshome & Mr. Kassahun Kebede (HERQA)
- Towards a Framework for the Quality Assurance of Practical Skill Ability, Akira Kurematsu & Takashi Sakamoto & Yoshito Shubiki, Accreditation Council for Practical Abilities, Japan
- The Quality Improvement System (QIS) A Web-based Quality Improvement Solution for a Distributed Campus System, Mark Thompson, Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE
Sub-Theme #2 Different approaches to QA and their impact on efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability
- Student involvement in the work of ENQA and of its member agencies, Mrs. Emmi Helle, ENQA
- Financial incentives to improve quality and relevance of education in universities: Centres of Excellence in university education in Finland, Helka Kekäläinen & Kirsi Hiltunen, Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council FINHEEC
- Paradigm Shift from Program to Institutional Accreditation: The Philippine State Institutions’ (AACCUP) Experience, Dr. Nilo E. Colinares, Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP)
- Study of the Impacts of the Quality Assessment of Undergraduate Education Policy in China: Students’ Perceptions, Shuiyun Liu, University of London, UK
- A Maturity Model for Quality Assurance, Dr. Alan WU, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications
- TOWARDS EXCELLENCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION THROUGH QUALITY AWARENESS, Dr. Dawid Wosik, Higher Colleges of Technology, Fujairah Colleges UAE
- Towards a New Higher Education Quality Assurance System for Lebanon, Bassem Kaissi (Modern University for Business and Science) Soubhi Abou Chahine (Beirut Arab University) Ahmad Jammal (Lebanese Ministry of Education & Higher Education)
- A Continuous Improvement Cycle for Academic Programs: Ittihad University Case, Dr. Abdul Sattar Al-Alusi (College of Management and Information Systems) Prof. Shaker Rizk (ITTIHAD UNIVERSITY)
- The Impact of Quality Assurance on Enhancing Program Effectiveness at the University of Sharajh, United Arab Emirates, Dr. Esam Agamy, University of Sharjah
- Quality Assuring Transnational Education: The Malaysian Experience, Rozilini M Fernandez‐Chung, Malaysian Qualifications Agency
- “Getting it Right for Social Work in the Arab World” – A Different Approach to Accrediting Social Work in the United Arab Emirates, Leon Holtzhausen & Vasintha Veeran & Robert Villa, College of Humanities and Social Sciences United Arab Emirates University
- Challenges in Implementation of Standards for Licensure and Accreditation in the UAE, Badr Aboul-Ela&Ian Cumbus, The Commission for Academic Accreditation UAE
- A Self Assessment Approach to Quality Assurance, Dr. Jan Roodt & L. Reinecke, Waikato Institute of Technology New Zealand
- Quality Assurance of medical education programmes in the Anglophone Caribbean: Accreditation by the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and Other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) as one method of assuring quality, Lorna Maria Parkins, Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and Other Health Professions
- Different approaches to EQA: Institutional vs Programmatic Approaches, Dr Antony Stella, Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA)
- Different approaches to QA in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan: background, impact, and reactions from the sector, Ms W.S. Wong, Joint Quality Review Committee, Hong Kong
Sub-Theme #3 Quality Assurance Culture – Embedding QA into the life of the institution
- Facilitating Tertiary Educational Change in the Middle East: from defining cultures to a culture of quality, Ken Beatty & Mike Berrell & Tim Martin & Peter Scanlan, Higher Colleges of Technology UAE
- A critical analysis of quality culture, Lee Harvey, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
- Quality Assurance in Medical Education at GMC – 1998 to 2008, Prof. Gita Ashok Raj., Gulf Medical College
- Transforming Higher Education with Six Sigma, Imad M. Al-Atiqi, Kuwait University
- Creating and Sustaining a Quality Culture at York University, Norma Sue Fisher-Stitt & David Leyton-Brown & Rodney A. Webb, York University
- Using Foundation Program Academic Standards as a Quality Enhancement Tool, Martin Carroll & Dr Salim Razvi & Ms Tess Goodliffe, Oman Accreditation Council
- The need to re-work the quality assurance dynamics – Using Nigeria and South Africa as case studies, Ms. Theresa Okafor, University of Nottingham UK
- A “How–To Guide” for Higher Education Institutions that are Balancing Requirements From Multiple Accreditation Agencies: Where the Rubber Hits the Road, Lorin Ritchie, Jeanine Romano & Rob Bateman & Kevin Mitchell & Ahmed Mokhtar & John Mosbo, American University of Sharjah
Sub-Theme #4 Quality Assurance at a Distance
- Internal quality assurance and enhancement procedures for e-learning courses in UK higher education institutions, Magdalena Jara & Harvey Mellar, Institute of Education, University of London
- A new way of evaluating overseas providers, Mrs. Wessen Rawazik (Knowledge and Human Development Authority) Mr. Martin Carroll (Oman Accreditation Council) Dr. Warren Fox (Knowledge and Human Development Authority) Dr. Lee Harvey (Editor of Quality in Higher Education Journal)
- International Accreditation in Taiwan Higher Education, Angela Yung-chi Hou, Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan