Home INQAAHE Conference 2025 – Tokyo (Japan)

INQAAHE Conference 2025 – Tokyo (Japan)

The INQAAHE Board sought expressions of interest from member agencies to host INQAAHE Conference 2025 in October of 2022. Considering the venues for the INQAAHE annual events for the last ten years, preferences for hosting the INQAAHE Conference 2025 were given to East and Southeast Asia; South America and the Caribbean; North America; and Francophone Africa. 

During the 2023 General Assembly Meeting held in Astana (Kazakhstan) under the frame of INQAAHE Conference 2023, proposals to host this event were formally presented by the different applying agencies. The INQAAHE members later on electronically voted for Conference 2025 to take place in Tokyo (Japan), hosted by the Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA).


INQAAHE 18th Biennial Conference 2025

The Big Bang Theory:
the Quality Assurance Paradigm Shift

13-16 May 2025
Tokyo (Japan)
Hosted by the Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA)



Early bird registration is already available!

To provide flexibility for the attendees, we are offering an Early Bird registration fee, available until 15 February 2025. After this date, the regular registration fee will be applied.


Technological advancements, demographic shifts, new models of education delivery, and socio-political dynamics, raise significant questions about the continued adequacy of traditional models of tertiary education delivery, with important implications for ensuring sustainable quality education. This conference is an opportunity for the international tertiary education community to discuss the required shifts in views, practices, and paradigms in quality assurance to empower tertiary education providers to innovate to meet the everchanging technological, societal, demographic, economic, and international landscape.

Discussion during the event will be structured around the following sub-themes:
  1. Quality Assurance and the Sustainability Agenda. This sub-theme will discuss the role of quality assurance in supporting tertiary education providers in generating sustained transformative impact on society, by contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, beyond SDG 4 on Quality Education (aiming to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. 
  2. Quality Assurance and Innovative Learning Pathways. This sub-theme will discuss the role of quality assurance in supporting education and training providers in meeting the growing demand for flexible learning pathways and flexible approaches to teaching, learning, and assessment, whilst continuing to underpin public confidence in the quality and relevance of learning outcomes. 
  3. Quality Assurance and Artificial Intelligence. This sub-theme will discuss how the quality assurance community can help the tertiary education sector harness AI to enhance the quality of the learning experience for all students and improve their employability, whilst continuing to secure confidence in the quality and standards of qualifications. An additional aspect to be considered regards the ways AI could be used to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of external quality assurance.  
  4. Quality Assurance and Recognition of Qualifications and Credentials. This sub-theme will discuss how the international quality assurance community can support the shift in mindset required for the realisation of that roadmap, which calls for ‘co-creating more open, inclusive, equitable and collaborative higher education systems. This sub-theme brings together many of the issues dealt with in the other three sub-themes, with a specific focus on quality assurance systems fit for purpose for the recognition of qualifications and learning obtained through and less traditional modes of learning. 

The call for proposals to submit papers, posters and sessions for the event was available as of September 25, 2024. Proposals were welcome until December 20, 2024. INQAAHE finalized the selection and shortlisting process of all the abstracts received.


The official website of the INQAAHE Conference 2025 is now accessible. There you will find all the information related to the event: keynote speakers, agenda, logistics, etc.

Registration is already available online through the official Conference 2025 website. To provide flexibility for the attendees, we are offering an Early Bird registration fee, available until 15 February, 2025. After this date, the regular registration fee will be applied. Additionally, a group discount is available for institutions registering three or more participants.

Please, keep in mind that if payment of your early bird registration is not completed by 28 February 2025, the registration will be cancelled, and participants will need to register again under the regular fee option.

Regarding pre-conference workshops, each session has a maximum capacity of 40 participants. Registration will be closed once the limit is reached. If payment is not completed and the session reaches full capacity, re-registration may not be possible.

We are also pleased to offer a special rate for participants, members and non-members coming from LDC countries to support participation.

INQAAHE has also launched a call to fund members from least developed/low-income countries and middle-income countries (as categorised by the World Bank and the United Nations) to attend the conference. Applications are welcome until March 16, 2025.


The confirmed venue of the Conference is the Akasaka Intercity Conference Center.

  • Contact email(s): inqaahe2025tokyo@juaa.or.jp; secretariat@inqaahe.org


May 13 - 16 2025


All Day

Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Moscow
  • Date: May 13 - 16 2025
  • Time: All Day


Akasaka Intercity Conference Center
Akasaka Intercity Conference, Japan


Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA)
Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA)
Official Conference website
QR Code

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