INQAAHE Forum 2024 – Bucharest (Romania)
Transforming Society: Social Responsibility through Quality Assurance of Tertiary Education
June 10-13, 2024, Bucharest (Romania)
Hosted by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS)

During the 2022 General Assembly Meeting in June, the INQAAHE members voted for Forum 2024 to take place in Bucharest (Romania), hosted by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS). From June 10-13, 2024, the 14th INQAAHE Biennial Forum 2024 entitled Transforming Society: Social Responsibility through Quality Assurance of Tertiary Education took place. The theme was explored through four sub-themes:
- Fostering Civic Engagement
- Bridging the Gap to Quality Education for All
- Designing Curricula for Societal Impact
- Fostering Opportunities for All Ages
A Forum to discuss, collaborate, spark ideas, and reap value for participants through insightful discussions and shared experiences. The Forum aimed to equip participants with a holistic understanding of how tertiary education can shape a better future for individuals and society.
Global Perspectives: Connect with a diverse network of stakeholders from around the world. Discover innovative QA practices and strategies that transcend borders and contexts.
Daily Impact: The Forum is not a space for theorizing but a space for producing through a “hands-on” methodology. Be inspired by innovative methods and approaches that push the boundaries of quality assurance.
The Forum opened up a range of opportunities for participants to delve deeper into these themes and issues through Pre-Forum workshops, Interactive-Forum Sessions, Regional networks meeting and Networking opportunities.
All Forum materials are available below.
Forum workshops
Skill up with the ISGs: a hands-on workshop to make innovation an everyday habit, facilitated by Dr. Susanna Karakhanyan, Dr. Anna Prades and Dr. Ariana de Vincenzi
Comprehensive Quality Assurance Workshop: Mastering Principles and Techniques of Quality Assurance in Higher Education A Practical Workshop: The context of quality assurance, facilitated by Dr. Mary Catharine Lennon and Dr. Fabrizio Trifiro
Comprehensive Quality Assurance Workshop: Mastering Principles and Techniques of Quality Assurance in Higher Education A Practical Workshop: Practical applications in quality assurance, facilitated by Dr. Mary Catharine Lennon and Dr. Fabrizio Trifiro
A force for good? Exploring critical approaches to quality assurance in the Global South, facilitated by Eduardo Ramos
Quality Assurance as a Catalyst for Refugee and Displaced Student Integration in Tertiary Education, facilitated by Dr. Nataliia Stukalo (in substitution of Amir Radfar) and Fabrice Hénard
Special Plenary Session: Insights from the INQAAHE Global Study on Trends in QA
Day 1
Bridging the Gap to Quality Education for All
KEYNOTE – Breaking barriers: bridging the gap to quality education for all, facilitated by Dr. Olusola Oyewole
Sharing ideas and practices to enhance equity in Tertiary Education, facilitated by Dr. Anna Prades and Dr. Eva Fernández de Labastida
- Quality Assurance for Digital Education and Micro-credentials, facilitated by Mag. Diane Freiberger, MBA and Michael Stephan, M.A
SWITEX (Swiss Index for Teaching Excellence) – A hands-on approach to improving didactic performance, facilitated by Prof. Dr. Michael Derrer
How transnational education can serve to widen access to quality international education, facilitated by Dr. Fabrizio Trifiro
Incorporating Criteria for social inclusion in the framework of ESG, facilitated by Prof. Siyka Chavdarova-Kostova
Designing Curricula for Societal Impact
KEYNOTE – Embracing relevance: designing curricula for societal impact, facilitated by Dr. Juliette E. Torabian
Harmonizing Heterogeneity: Ensuring Quality in Interdisciplinary programs offered through a ‘Multiversity’ Framework, facilitated by Samah Gamar, PhD
Curricular Mapping for Societal Impact: a strategic framework for curriculum design, facilitated by Prof. Dr. Eglantina Hysa, Prof. Dr. Marius Gabriel Petrescu and Prof. Dr. Mirela Panait
Responding to the Third Qatar National Development Strategy: an NCQAA Perspective, facilitated by Dr. Mazen O. Hasna and Dr. Rashid S. Al-Kuwari
From goals to gains: embedding social impact and sustainability literacy into the curriculum, facilitated by Dr. Scott G. Blair and Dr. Kerr Castle
Design-thinking workshops:
Academic integrity-artificial intelligence nexus, facilitated by Assoc. Prof. Fernando F. Padró and Prof. Karen Trimmer
Quality nursing education: linking the curriculum to program assessment, facilitated by Dr. Nell Ard, RN, CNE, ANEF and Keri Nunn-Ellison, EdD, MSN/Ed, RN, CNE
PANEL DISCUSSION – Greening higher education: Social responsibility and quality assurance at systemic and institutional level, facilitated by Prof. Dr. Simona Lache, INQAAHE Board Director/Vice-Rector at Transivania University of Brasov Romania. Panelists from UNESCO (Dr. Francesc Pedró), Tertiary Education Institution (Professor Olusola Oyewole), Quality Assurance Agencies (Renato Bartet, CNA Chile), Romanian Ministry of Education (Marioara Dobrescu, PhD, Counsellor), Student representative (Horia Oniță, ESU).
Day 2
Keeping tertiary education functioning and improving in conflict-affected areas: resilience and development, facilitated by Dr. Francesc Pedró
Fostering Civic Engagement
KEYNOTE – Empowering education: fostering civic engagement, facilitated by Dr. Kevin Kinser
Design-thinking workshops:
- How can quality assurance agencies promote civic engagement to have a greater impact on society?, facilitated by Sophie Guillet and Amélie Bensimon
From INQAAHE GGP to ISGs: How HEEACT translates international Goals into domestic higher education institutions’ practical actions, facilitated by Prof. Dr. Chia-Yu Chang and Prof. Angela Yung-Chi Hou
> Taiwan cases, facilitated by Dr. Jackson, Chun-Chi Chih
Promoting civic engagement in higher education via the assessment and accreditation of tertiary institutions, facilitated by Prof. Dr. Ganesan Kannabiran and Dr. Vinita Sahu
Ensuring inclusive and diverse teaching approaches within quality assurance protocols, facilitated by Petrișor L. Țucă, Radu-Ioan Ciobanu, Monica Drăgoicea and Ciprian Dobre
Program Advisory Committees Supporting Ready, Informed and Engaged Students, facilitated by Karen Belfer, PhD and Sylvie Mainville, M.ed.
Fostering Opportunities for All Ages
KEYNOTE – Qualifying lifelong Learning: fostering opportunities for all ages, facilitated by Professor Romiță Iucu, Ph.D
Access, transfer and progression for learners and the role of quality assurance agencies, facilitated by Bryan Maguire
Aligning upskilling and reskilling training programmes to the needs of the industry and staff, facilitated by Dr. Rabie’e Al-Rashdi
External quality assurance mechanisms to support the quality of blended and distance learning in tertiary education to foster learning opportunities for individuals of all ages. The Romanian approach, facilitated by Iordan PETRESCU. Prof. CEng PhD, Prof. Dr. Mircea NEAGOE, Alexandru CHIȘ, PhD. Assoc. Prof. and Florin MIHAI, PhD. Prof.
Design-thinking workshop:
Bridging HEIs and the Society for promoting the Lifelong Learning: A Case in Japan, facilitated by Akinori Matsuzaka and Miharu Kato
The compilation of all parallel sessions that were facilitated during the Forum is available here.