INQAAHE Funding Scheme (IFS) – Granted Proposals

INQAAHE is pleased to announce the proposals that have been selected to be granted by our INQAAHE Funding Scheme (IFS), which envisions provision of small grants to INQAAHE members on competitive basis to promote implementation of innovative and enhancement projects aimed at enhancement of quality assurance systems worldwide.

These are the granted projects of this year’s calls for proposals:

  • Call for Research and Innovation proposals 2022-2023: the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) has been granted with 2,500 USD to develop their project, entitled Academic Ethical and Integrity Conduct Supported by QAAs. The project’s major goal is the analysis of how quality assurance agencies assess and support the compliance with the values of ethics and academic integrity at the level of higher education institutions. ARACIS wishes to benefit from the international knowledge and mechanisms of supporting ethical values and academic integrity, that QA agencies apply in accordance with ESG, and the implementation of these mechanisms within QA methodologies, guidelines and standards.
  • Call for Capacity Building proposals 2022-2023: the VNU Education Accreditation Center, Vietnam National University, Hanoi has been granted with 10,000 USD to develop their project, entitled Constructive Alignment and Technology-Enhanced Outcome-Based Education: Quality Assurance for Continuing Quality Improvement. It will be done in cooperation with the University of Nottingham Malaysia, the Department of Education Quality Assurance (DEQA), Lao PDR. The Project will contribute to Continuing Quality Improvement (CQI) by bridging the gap between ‘paper’ and ‘practice’ in the technology-enhanced Outcome-Based Education pedagogy. The Project uses multi-dimensional collaborations and an iterative peer multiplier training model in five universities from Vietnam and Laos to increase the longer-term/sustainable impact of implementing OBE.

Mid-term and final reports are to be submitted to the INQAAHE Secretariat and the final version would be presented at INQAAHE Forum 2024.

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