Every quarter INQAAHE Secretariat publishes an electronic bulletin which is sent to all its members. Every bulletin contains the President’s message, an overview of the most important recent developments of the network and a summary of upcoming events.
INQAAHE Secretariat asks for contributions periodically but members can e-mail their contributions to secretariat@inqaahe.org any time using the following template below.
INQAAHE welcomes news items related to quality assurance or quality enhancement activities, especially the following:
All contributions will be reviewed by the INQAAHE Communication and Outreach Committee (COC). While the responsibility of the content and its accuracy remains within members and networks, the INQAAHE COC reserves the right to edit, correct, revise or omit any submitted article as required for consistency and appropriacy. If major revisions are required, the INQAAHE COC may contact the member or network before accepting or publishing the content. Submission of an article gives INQAAHE permission to edit and publish content.
The contributions will be separated by world regions (Africa, Arab region, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, and Western Europe), and will be classified into 3 levels of priority:
Submissions should be emailed to secretariat@inqaahe.org.
Advice for a successful submission
Keep the topic as brief as possible. Items should relate to quality assurance and should be between 200 and 300 words. Due to space restrictions, we cannot accept items that exceed 300 words. Items may be edited for reasons of page and / or space restrictions.
When submitting articles, consider the following:
When submitting photos, consider the following:
Mailing list
If your organisation is a Full or Associate member of INQAAHE you (and all your colleagues) can register to the mailing list to receive INQAAHE news updates, including the INQAAHE Bulletin and information on the latest INQAAHE events. Please provide the INQAAHE Secretariat with your name, e-mail address and the name of your organisation and you will be included in our mailing list.
By subscribing to the newsletter, you agree to our privacy policy.