INQAAHE 2024-2025 Innovation and Research call is available now

INQAAHE is pleased to announce a competition for significant contributions to quality assurance practice and theory. Completed, unpublished papers meeting the criteria stated in the official call are invited to submit for consideration for the 2025 Award for Contribution to Innovation and Research.

The INQAAHE Funding Scheme for Innovation and Research supports INQAAHE members on a competitive basis, promoting the dissemination of knowledge on innovative projects and research that have the potential to enhance quality assurance systems worldwide. The award-winning scheme provides an opportunity for INQAAHE to recognize high-quality research and promote the dissemination of the findings to a global audience. Note that this call for papers is about completed research/projects.

Benefits of the award:

  • A 2,500 USD cash award.
  • An opportunity to publish the research in the Journal of Quality Assurance in Higher Education as the “INQAAHE award winning paper of the year”.
  • A presentation slot at an INQAAHE event, with registration fees waived.
  • A dedicated session to celebrate the award-winning paper, which will include the presentation of the award, during an INQAAHE annual event (Conference or Forum).
  • Global exposure through the dissemination of research findings via INQAAHE’s membership network, social media platforms, and specialized media outlets.

Eligibility is open to individuals (INQAAHE Affiliate members), as well as teams from organizations that are INQAAHE members (Full or Associate Members). Organizations of sitting Board Directors are ineligible.

Proposals are to be submitted to the INQAAHE Secretariat by March 30, 2025.

Interested members should refer to the Call for Innovation and Research 2025 document which can be found here.


Please read the call carefully before submitting your proposals and do not hesitate to contact INQAAHE Secretariat for any clarification.

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