INQAAHE 30th Anniversary Celebration now in hybrid mode!

30 Years of Spreading the Culture of Quality Globally: Celebrating 30 Years of Remarkable Global Achievement

Our global event is fast approaching and we are proud to say we have a good number of members registered who expressed their participation to this remarkable event face-to-face.

We are also proud to announce that we are now making the event also available in a hybrid mode to ensure those ones to whom travel restrictions still apply also have an opportunity to be part of this remarkable event.

If you are travelling to Barcelona, you will participate in-person in all the arranged sessions and also attend the Gala Dinner. If you join us in an online mode, you will avail yourselves the benefits of the diverse events organized to celebrate this outstanding achievement – workshops, General Assembly Meeting and Regional Networks Meeting with participation of UNESCO and other lead international bodies.

As you know, the event, proudly hosted by AQU Catalunya and the University of Barcelona, will be held in Barcelona (Spain) from 7th-8th October 2021, following all required and necessary measures taken for safety and security of the participants, as per Catalan and Spanish government regulations.

The two-day event, entitled 30 Years of Spreading the Culture of Quality Globally: Celebrating 30 Years of Remarkable Global Achievement, welcomes INQAAHE members, regional quality assurance networks, higher education institutions, quality assurance bodies and INQAAHE strategic partners. The event opens up opportunities for bringing diversity of systems and QA cultures together at the INQAAHE General Assembly, Regional Networks Meeting with participation of UNESCO, trainings on the key aspects of successful QA system operations, and celebratory events, culminating in a major Gala Dinner.

Please check INQAAHE’s website for more information and details on the event, such as the official programme, list of workshops, and fees. Also, make sure you check, comply and follow the Catalan and Spanish government regulations at all times before traveling to Spain and during your stay in Barcelona. More information available on our website.

We look forward to welcoming you in Barcelona soon!

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