INQAAHE Forum 2020 official notice – postponement to 28-30 September 2020

As you all with no doubt are aware, the outbreak of novel COVID-19 has now reached a number of new countries raising global concerns. The INQAAHE Board as well as the Forum 2020 host, AKKORK, have been actively monitoring the situation, not willing to prematurely postpone, due to the importance of the Forum and the significant benefits of gathering together.

However, the health and safety of our members is paramount and due to the current health and quarantine risks of COVID-19, and taking into account various travel restrictions placed on our participants, the INQAAHE Board has taken a decision to postpone Forum 2020 till the last week of September 2020, from 28-30 September, with two days at the end of the week (October 1 and 2) to visit Moscow and Saint Petersburg. The entire programme and all agreed arrangements will carry over into the new dates.

The INQAAHE Board understands the great effort it takes for the members to arrange their commitments, however, our primary concern remains the well-being of the participants and we believe this to be the most appropriate precautionary course of action.

We send our best wishes for health and prosperity to our members in all regions while we move through this global challenge, and we look forward to seeing you in September 2020.

If you have questions about your specific arrangements, please contact the Secretariat at or the Forum host at and we will direct you to the appropriate contact.

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