INQAAHE new Constitution voting

The INQAAHE Board has been working for the past year in the revision of the INQAAHE Constitution, taking into consideration the challenges brought about by globalization, information and communications technology, diversification of higher education provisions, and more specifically, the growing diversity of quality assurance networks and providers. This revision is both necessary and timely in order to project INQAAHE as a more sustainable, feasible and impactful organization in general, and to meet the needs of our members and higher education systems in particular.

The new Constitution draft has undergone external audit after which a major discussion on the proposed changes took place at the General Assembly on the 4th of May in Mauritius. The Constitution Revision Working Group, with Pauline Tang (former Vice President) as Chair and members: Carol Bobby, Anthony McClaran and Erika Soboleva, made final changes based on the General Assembly’s feedback. The amended version of the Constitution is now announced for voting among the Full members.

PDF INQAAHE Constitution Proposed Revisions, 2018

According to section XI, article 43 of current INQAAHE Constitution:

“XI. Amendment to the Constitution

43. The Constitution may only be amended by a vote of Full Members at a General Assembly (whether held in person or electronically). Amendments require the agreement of two-thirds majority of those participating in the vote.

Twenty one days’ notice will be given of proposed changes to the Constitution. The quorum will be 30% of the Full Members of the Network.”

All Full Members will be asked to vote from 19 to 30 September 2018 through an electronic platform that will ensure secret ballot, what is to say, anonymity of voter’s choice. Voting will only be done through the main contact/email address of each full member.

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