Meeting between the Executive Secretary of ANAQ-Sup and INQAAHE President in Senegal

The Executive Secretary of the Autorité Nationale d’Assurance Qualité de l’enseignement Supérieur, ANAQ-Sup (Senegal), Pr. Lamine Gueye, President of the Francophone African Network of National Quality Assurance Agencies (RAFANAQ), the President of INQAAHE, Deborah Adair, and Mr. Abdou Cissé, Coordinator at ANAQ-Sup, discussed the prospects for cooperation between their organizations on Tuesday, May 23, 2023 in Saly (Senegal). ANAQ-Sup recently joined INQAAHE and is engaged with RAFANAQ in the Global Study on Quality Assurance Trends, launched last May.

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