News from Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE)

Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) at Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) carried out self-assessment visit of Department of Environmental Economics for assessment and evaluation of MPhil in Environmental Economics on April 4, 2018.

Following member were comprise of the Assessment Team (AT):

  1. Dr. Aneel Salman, Assistant Professor, COMSATS, Islamabad
  2. Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad, Head of Department School of Public Policy, PIDE

During the visit, the AT evaluated the program by using HEC’s prescribed checklist and rubric. AT appreciated the arrangement and standard provided by the department for successful execution of MPhil Program in Environmental Economics

Seminar on Sexualized Society: Social and Psychological Harms and Effects has been organized by Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), PIDE on Monday, April 16, 2018. Ms. Abeda Ahmad, a UK based Therapist Specializing in Relationships & Addictions was resource person of the seminar. The seminar was very motivative, interactive, perceptive and useful.  The PIDE students and staff members participated in the seminar.

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