NIAD-QE University Quality Assurance Forum 2023

Find below information on NIAD-QE University Quality Assurance Forum 2023. This note was issued by them. INQAAHE hopes you find this information useful.


Invitation to NIAD-QE University Quality Assurance Forum 2023 (SEP 26 2023 ONLINE)


NIAD-QE is hosting its annual event, University Quality Assurance Forum online on 26th September (1:30pm-4:00pm JST / 4:30am-07:00am GMT). The topic of the event is Data Science of Higher Education: Toward the Construction and Promotion of Data Infrastructure.

Higher education institutions generate a wide variety of information, whose content ranges, in the case of university, from students’ enrollment, learning activity, graduation, and employment, to research and socially and economically relevant outreach activities, to land and facilities, to human resources and their mobility, to financial statements and which may be collected both from the entire university and its departments and divisions. Accessibility of such information from the public constitutes an important component of the quality assurance system of higher education in Japan.

Once all the information published separately by institution were integrated into one robust data infrastructure, it would serve the needs of higher education institutions themselves as well as quality assurance agencies, policymaking authorities, and the society.

This year, NIAD-QE invites practicing experts from abroad who are generous enough to share their experiences of working with such data infrastructure, and discuss, with experts and policy makers from Japan, the future development of improved availability of information of higher education in Japan.

To register, please visit:

*Registration is open until 20th September.

For more information, please visit:


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