Request for proposal regarding INQAAHE’s permanent and legal infrastructure

The International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) issues this Request for Proposal (RFP) regarding the permanent and legal infrastructure of the network.

The INQAAHE Board seeks to consolidate legal and banking operations in a single country, to ensure that the network has maximum flexibility and minimal barriers in working with members, volunteers, and staff members across the globe. The Board seeks to ensure that the location chosen facilitates accountability and good governance, allows for free policy operation of the Board, provides appropriate legal infrastructure, and will be reasonably sustainable over time. To ensure due diligence in selection, the INQAAHE Board requests that organisations interested in seeing the permanent Secretariat established in an alternate country (beyond the current incorporation) provide a detailed proposal, as outlined in this call.

Carefully consider the criteria listed in the call before submitting your proposal.

Download the .

Timeline to consider:

Intent to submit a proposal notice due to INQAAHE Board September 1, 2020
Full proposal due October 1, 2020
Final decision by INQAAHE Board November 1, 2020
Final incorporation and banking establishments complete June 1, 2021

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