The 5th MENA Higher Education Leadership Forum

Find below information on the 5th MENA Higher Education Leadership Forum. INQAAHE hopes you find this information useful.


5th MENA Higher Education Leadership Forum

There is still time to Register!

If you are unable to join us in-person in Dubai, you can still join us online and engage with the rich and ‘thought-provoking discussions that will take place.

The program of the 5th MENA Higher Education Leadership Forum held under the theme  “Re-inventing Higher Education Post COVID-19: Towards a Responsive Higher Education Eco-system”  will bring exciting opportunities for online participants to hear from international and regional experts and actively engage in the various conversations.

With a range of activities planned from the 22nd to the 24th of March for our online participants; the 2022 forum will feature plenary sessions, two panels, a round table on educational hubs, a debate, and three ‘hands-on’ pre-forum webinars / online workshops.

Throughout the three days will be tackling topics such as digital transformation, collaboration and internationalization, industry and academia partnerships, research impact, and beyond.

Register today and join other leaders from over 50 countries. Limited slots are available.
➤ Last date to register is March 19th, 2022.



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