Updates on the INQAAHE Board and Secretariat

Dear INQAAHE Members,

We hope this message finds you all safe and sound and enjoying the summertime!

This is an update on the current developments in the INQAAHE Board and management that have taken place as a result of the recent Board elections in accordance with the INQAAHE new Constitution that promotes a staggered approach to the Board formation.

Board Composition

As of August 1st, we have warmly welcomed the new Board members – Angela Yung-Chi Hou (HEEACT, Taiwan), Karen Treloar (TEQSA, Australia) and Mary Catharine Lennon (PEQAB, Canada). With the newly elected Board members, we are proudly covering all the regions of the world, with a necessity to cover an additional slot for Africa. The latter will be filled in through a co-option to be voted for at the next Board meeting. You are welcome to nominate candidates from Africa for the Board’s consideration.

Executive Committee

Accordingly, the INQAAHE Executive Committee has a new composition based on the Board’s elections. We are happy to welcome our new Vice President, Angela Yung-Chi Hou, and new Treasurer, Deb Adair (Quality Matters, USA). We wish them lots of success in their new positions and look forward to an increased dynamics and effectiveness in our operations.

Chief Executive Officer and Independent Secretariat

For the last year and a half, INQAAHE has been exploring innovative ways of its management through a pilot of a new Chief Executive Position – fully hired by INQAAHE (not through the host Secretariat). We welcomed our new CEO for the pilot period in April 2019 and the last year and a half have been invested into shaping and framing the best approach to the management, taking into consideration its truly international and independent nature. We also have been in exploration of the best venue for the permanent Secretariat, for which an RFP is currently in the call.

After more than a year with INQAAHE, end of July, Crystal Calarusse announced her resignation to continue the pursuit of her PhD studies on equity in higher education at the University of Maryland, and to support quality assurance activities in her region.

Ms. Calarusse expressed her leaving INQAAHE as full of mixed emotions. “My time at INQAAHE has been an exceptional professional experience, full of exciting interactions, especially getting to meet and know the amazing INQAAHE members and partners throughout the world. I feel truly privileged to have been able to work in this capacity to create a staffing infrastructure and look forward to future collaborations with INQAAHE and its members.”

The INQAAHE Board of Directors convened to express their gratefulness to Ms. Calarusse for the contribution throughout the last year: “We thank Ms. Calarusse for her hard work and willingness to join INQAAHE in exploring its new development path and wish her new successes in her future endeavors”.

Given the challenges presented by the global pandemic and the financial projections, the Board will take this moment to evaluate the future needs of INQAAHE and the various options for a permanent secretariat infrastructure. Currently, Dr. Martí Casadesús Fa, Secretary of INQAAHE, has been appointed as Acting CEO.

As always, we will keep you informed of any future developments related to the structure of the network as well as new and exciting activities for the members.

We wish you an enjoyable end of summer and look forward to welcoming you at the INQAAHE Forum 2020!!! We are always with you and for you!

Best regards,

Susanna Karakhanyan

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