The 2024-2025 Capacity Building call is now closed. Proposals were welcome until December 15, 2024. Check the call for more information.
Project title: Capacity Development for a Review of Learning and Teaching Provision
The purpose of the project is to capacitate historically disadvantaged rural universities in South Africa to engage with the CHE’s Learning and Teaching Provision Standard to enable them to do adequate self-reflection and improvement in anticipation of the CHE’s themed review on Learning and Teaching Practice.
The goals of the project are to:
Project title: Constructive Alignment and Technology-Enhanced Outcome-Based Education: Quality Assurance for Continuing Quality Improvement (CATE)
The project goal was to contribute to Continuing Quality Improvement (CQI) by bridging the gap between ‘paper’ and ‘practice’ in the technology-enhanced Outcome-Based Education pedagogy. The project used multi-dimensional collaborations and an iterative peer multiplier training model in five universities from Vietnam and Laos to increase the longer-term/sustainable impact of implementing OBE.
The specific objectives of this project were:
The CATE project successfully trained Vietnamese and Laotian educators in outcome-based education (OBE). Participants gained practical skills through online training and peer mentoring. The project equipped educators with the tools to implement OBE effectively, leading to improved teaching practices and a cohort of CATE-OBE champions. The outcomes of the project are available here.
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