INQAAHE Research Grants

Current calls

  • 2023
  • 2024

SEAMEO Regional Training Center (SEAMEO RETRAC), Vietnam, in partnership with Van Lang University (Ho Chi Minh City), Binh Duong University (Binh Duong Province), Duy Tan University (Da Nang City) and South Can Tho University (Can Tho City)

Project title: Internal Quality Assessment (IQA) and External Quality Assurance (EQA) in Private Higher Education Institutions in Vietnam: Challenges and Solutions


This research endeavors to conduct a thorough study on the four private universities in Vietnam, with a dual focus on Internal Quality Assessment (IQA) and External Quality Assurance (EQA). The specific objectives of the study are the following:

  • to explore the challenges facing private universities that influence the institutions’ ability to conduct effective IQA and meet EQA standards;
  • to examine the alignment of private universities’ quality assurance processes with national and international standards and identify challenges associated with this alignment;
  • to identify and analyze innovative approaches and practices that the universities have adopted to overcome challenges in quality assurance.
  • 2022
  • 2023

Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS), Romania

Project title: Academic Ethical and Integrity Conduct Supported by QAAs (AEICS-QAA)


The specific objectives of this research are:

  • to provide benchmarks of ethical values and academic integrity for all the actors involved in the internal assurance process at HEI level;
  • to increase the trust of the beneficiaries in the quality of the activities carried out by QAAs.

Past calls

Beneficiary: Rozilini Mary Fernández-Chung, Malaysia

Project title: Assessing Institutional Readiness to Implement Quality Assurance Activities: A Case Study of Tertiary Level Colleges in Bangladesh


This research aimed to study institutional readiness and capacity of colleges affiliated with the National University in Bangladesh to implement quality assurance activities. Specifically, it aimed to identify:

  • the institutional capacity and readiness of teachers and leaders trained under the College Education Development Project in supporting quality assurance activities initiated by the Bangladesh  accreditation Council within tertiary level colleges in Bangladesh;
  • gaps in the existing ECPD training programmes for BCEDP college leaders and teacher.


The study shows a clear desire and overall readiness among faculty members to implement quality assurance activities. College authorities must transform these colleges internally with a clear  vision and through a community of practice, building on existing readiness. The building blocks for the effective implementation of quality assurance activities are the resources (including processes and procedures) and opportunities. Finally, the fortitude to implement them consistently enables the desired change to materialise. However, this study shows that fundamental governance and management policies must first be reviewed to ensure sustainable quality assurance activities in these colleges. The Bangladesh Government should also consider external support and benchmarking for the formidable task of moving the college sector to the 21st century, thus ensuring quality and the best student experience. Read the full report.

Beneficiary: University Grants Commission, Nepal

Project title: Transition to Digital Era of Accreditation: Scope and Challenges for Emerging Quality Assurance Agencies

The overall objective of the proposed research project was to study the impact of COVID-19 on Quality Assurance and Accreditation Systems of the countries who are technologically weak. The information on interim efforts and difficulties faced by the QAA Agencies of technologically weak countries towards digitalization of the system and process would provide policy feedback to advance the system to a next stage. The aim of this study was to explore the best practices initiated by the agencies of the economically and technologically advanced countries so as to adopt similar measures by developing countries. The project would also map the problems the QAA Agencies of developed and developing countries faced during the transition to digital era of assessment.

This research was designed with three objectives namely i) to explore the impacts of COVID-19 to the QAA Agencies and review the strengths and weaknesses of existing QAA system, ii) map the innovative ways initiated by the QAA agencies to carry out assessment for accreditation amidst the pandemic, and iii) identify the risk and problems associated with digital transformation (innovative approach) of assessment.

COVID-19 pandemic induced transition to digital era in the QAA process was not easy in many countries as it had to be adopted abruptly. Though the nature of impact of COVID-19 in QAA process was similar across the countries, the extent and the time gap to cope and adopt to the new digital mode differed between ICT advanced countries and the weak countries. Undoubtedly, many of the ICT advanced countries had strong ICT infrastructure and resources to early transit to full digital mode of assessment which was otherwise for ICT weak countries. The experience of many of the accrediting agencies indicated maintaining the quality in virtual assessment a challenging task either due to inadequate technology and resources or due to lack of quality culture in HEIs. The question of credibility was also raised initially for its adoption without adequate infrastructure and expertise and probably not to the online system as such. On the whole, despite limited data, this study has come up with many positive and impressive findings and we believe this will help readers to understand how QAA agencies transited to digital era during COVID-19 pandemic. Read the full report.

Beneficiary: the Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) in collaboration with the East African Higher Education Quality Assurance Network (EAQAN-IUCEA)
Project title: Assessing the role of Institutional Quality Assurance Approaches and Practices in the operationalization of the East African Higher Education Quality Assurance Frameworks

Beneficiary: National Council for Higher Education (NCHE), Namibia
Project title: The National Employer Survey 2019/20

Beneficiary: Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT), Taiwan
Project title: A study of Student Engagement in the Process of External Quality Assurance in Higher Education –the Taiwan Case

Beneficiary: Viet Nam Education Quality Management Agency (VQA), Vietnam
Project title: Investigating joint programs in Vietnam: Operation and quality management seen from institutional practices


Beneficiary: National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIAD-QE), Japan
Project title: Assessment of Learning Outcomes and Internal Quality Assurance Building in Higher Education in Japan and Taiwan: The Role of External Quality Assurance Agencies and Universities

Beneficiary: Catalan High Education Quality Agency (AQU Catalunya), Spain
Project title: Assessing Excellence in Programme’s Internationalization


Beneficiary: Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT), Taiwan
Project title: Self-Accreditation Policy, Quality Culture Building and Role of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education: Diversity, Autonomy and Accountability


Beneficiary: Quality Matters (QM), United States
Project title: The Impact of Faculty Peer-to-Peer Evaluation on External Quality Assurance: The Quality Matters Case

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